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Hope Springs Anew Makeovers

Scott Chin, President - April 15 2019

Community, Homelessness, Events, Partners

Hope Springs Anew Makeovers

A fresh start with a new style

On April 16 and 17, the Mission will celebrate 50 brave men from our addiction recovery program who are experiencing transformation in their lives! A spring renewal makeover honors their journey toward thriving lives after struggling with addiction and homelessness.

Hope Springs Anew paints an outward picture of the internal transformation these men are experiencing.

Top stylists with big hearts

We've partnered with Styled Seattle, Gene Juarez Salons & Spas, and The Beyond Project to give spring renewal makeovers for more than 50 men who are coming out of homelessness and addiction. 

First, local award-winning salon stylists will cut and style men's hair while incredible local volunteers will give shaves for a fresh, new look. Next, wardrobe stylists will help dress them up in a handpicked brand-new outfit, including a sharp sports coat, a classy dress shirt, a fashionable pair of slacks, and a sophisticated, matching pair of shoes.

Celebrating personal redemption and new life

Our Men's Recovery Program helps formerly homeless men find lasting change through a combined approach of counseling, biblical teaching, and education. Over the course of a year, they experience love and trust, break addictions, learn about God’s unconditional love and acceptance, and rebuild their lives with dignity and respect.

Through Hope Springs Anew, men will be ready for a fresh start with a new style for their upcoming recovery program graduation and Easter celebrations.

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