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Gifts arrive in time for Christmas

Terry Pallas - December 21 2018


Gifts arrive in time for Christmas

Looking for last-minute gifts? You can shop our 2018 Christmas Gift Catalog for gifts to give instantly and on Christmas Day!

Each gift is delivered with love and helps a lost neighbor find the hope and resources they need to escape addiction and homelessness.

For many kids growing up homeless on the streets, Christmas doesn’t hold much joy. But you can give joy through a gift of meals or lasting gift of trauma care to a child in need.

Your gift will help children like Shellina's. It took tremendous courage for Shellina to protect her children from their abusive father. Her life was out of control, but Shellina found healing and counseling support for her children at the Mission. “That’s when I started a new chapter in my life,” she says.

Could there be a better gift than joy for a child, for a homeless family this Christmas?

These gifts are simple. But they’re also profound and the perfect way to celebrate the Christmas spirit, providing emergency help for those in crisis, and offering hope to those looking to start a new life.

With each gift, you can honor a friend or family member — and make Christmas wishes come true for our homeless neighbors! See how it works.

May your heart be filled with the wonder of Christ and the joy He brings this Christmas.