Our mission is to bring the love of Jesus and hope for a new life to our homeless neighbors.
Our faith-based recovery programs help people overcome homelessness and addiction. Hear how lives are being changed at Seattle's Union Gospel Mission.
Whether serving a meal, teaching a class, delivering a blanket, or sorting donated items, or any other volunteer opportunity, your time impacts what we do and our homeless neighbors.
Contact Us
(206) 723-0767mission@ugm.org
Get Help
(206) 501-HELP(4357)getHELP@ugm.org
Get updates from the Mission! We'll send you changed lives stories, news about homelessness in Seattle, and opportunities to impact your community.
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Please use this version and send it to Ashley Carver (acarver@ugm.org) once completed.
Your gift today helps those who've lost their way find the love and support they need for a new life.