Early giving starts now. Give while our $25,000 challenge grant is in effect!


Nicky's Story

Nicky's Story
“I felt very abandoned. That led me to a life of relying on men that were abusive and controlling..”


Nicky's transformation — a life of abuse and homelessness to freedom.



“When I was growing up there wasn't a lot of parental guidance, so I felt very abandoned. That led me to a life of relying on men that were abusive and controlling. And I felt that I needed them. At 39, I was evicted for the first time and it left me homeless.

“I was left with just my car and anything that I could fit in it. It was devastating and I just needed a chance to start over....”

The Mission is about personal redemption and new life for women like Nicky. Often estranged from family and friends, many enter our Women's Recovery Program with little hope, self-respect, and few, if any possessions.

Over the course of a year, our recovery program residents experience love and trust, break addictions, learn about God’s unconditional love and acceptance, rebuild their families and lives with dignity and respect.


“I had nobody.
I lost everything in order to build a better foundation for my life.”

Nicky is grateful for your support. Thanks to you, she has found hope and a new life.

Monthly donations provide full care and lasting change for others just like Nicky.

Thanks to committed monthly donors, the Mission is able to help the lost become found.



Help the lost become found

Your gift today helps those who've lost their way find the love and support they need for a new life.