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Winter Survival Kits are absolutely lifesaving

Scott Chin, President - February 15 2021

Homelessness, Search + Rescue

Winter Survival Kits are absolutely lifesaving

Thank you to everyone who gave generously during Seattle’s snowstorm to help our homeless neighbors struggling to survive on the streets.

In the midst of snow and freezing cold temperatures, Winter Survival Kits are absolutely lifesaving!

Components include cozy blankets, warm winter gloves, hats, dry socks, hand warmers, hot drinks, nourishing sandwiches … all given with prayer and encouragement. These are made possible because of YOUR generous gift! I speak on behalf of all of our Outreach team, Search + Rescue volunteers, and especially our neighbors on the streets when I say THANK YOU.

As we get traction in this new year, we look forward to continuing to share the gospel with those who are lost. It is so cold out right now — the best time for reaching out with the warm love of Jesus Christ.

To all of our supporters, you are doing a remarkable thing by caring for those all too often overlooked and forgotten.