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Start a GivingTuesday Fundraiser today

2020-11-30 - November 30 2020

Community, Events, Homelessness

Start a GivingTuesday Fundraiser today

While we’ve all been impacted by challenging circumstances this year, we believe now more than ever people need emergency food, essentials, and the life-changing hope Jesus brings.

Would you use your voice to make a difference and start a GivingTuesday fundraiser today?

Gifts to your fundraiser by midnight on December 1 will DOUBLE — through the $115,000 Matching Grant — to help TWICE as many of our neighbors in need.

But, time is running out! This GivingTuesday, maximize your impact by inviting friends and family to support your fundraiser with a gift of $10, $20, or more.

Starting a fundraiser is easy.

You don’t have to do this alone! We’d love to share helpful tips on how to start a fundraiser. Get in touch with Katie — kgamaunt@ugm.org or (206) 723-0767.