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GiveBIG to rescue and restore 2x as many lives

Scott Chin, President - May 02 2019

Community, Events, Homelessness

GiveBIG to rescue and restore 2x as many lives

Your continued partnership makes it possible for our team to be out there, on the streets, every day, actively searching for and loving our homeless and hurting neighbors.

Now, thanks to a generous matching grant, your GiveBIG gift for Seattle's Union Gospel Mission will be DOUBLED — up to $100,000 — to help 2x as many overcome homelessness and addiction.

So many just need someone to look in their eyes, to call them by name, and to let them know there is hope for a better life found in Jesus.

GiveBIG to rescue and restore 2x as many lives like Darryl Ann's

“I didn't know how to handle motherhood and being a wife. A neighbor used to come to the house and we'd watch soap operas. One day she brought some crack over and I instantly fell in love with it.”

Darryl Ann lost everything to addiction. “I was an older woman living out on the street by myself. I was homeless, sleeping under the I-90 bridge. I can't tell you how many times I've been abused.”

Darryl Ann came to the Mission's Recovery Program in search of a chance to start over, and find a new purpose in life. 


Through this proven approach, nearly 8 of 10 men and women in our recovery programs are living in sobriety two years

 “I found a role model there who is my guardian angel. With her help and the grace of God, I’ve been sober for over 11 years.”

Your GiveBIG gift has the power to rescue and restore 2x as many lives — just like Darryl Ann's.

As a case manager, Darryl Ann now helps our lost neighbors find freedom from addiction and abuse. She says, “At my age, I could retire, but what I’m doing is too important.”

GiveBIG fundraisers make an even BIGGER impact in our community

It's easy! Create a personal fundraiser by May 5, using our online fundraising tool. Then, share your personal fundraiser by email or social media with your network of friends, family, and colleagues.

I give, you give, we all GiveBIG together!